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The Hairpin
The Hairpin
Ladies first.
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How To Write A Wedding Toast

The wedding I attended this past weekend was emotional for all the normal reasons — love, friendship, mild…

How Sexy Are Your Downstairs Gays On Instagram?

Do you stalk the gays downstairs? Is their Instagram tight? John Sherman is all over his gays downstairs:

Alone in my apartment, the sun setting slowly between the buildings across the street, I loaded page after page of…

NSFW: “The Perfect Polo for Every Body Type”

Here are some attractive men wearing shirts that fit them properly. It is…stirring.

College application stress be damned: here is the application that any journalists wanting to cover Will & Kate’s trip to the States will have to submit, along with “a scanned copy of an official media ID (as provided by an international organisation or US/UK/foreign government), or a letter from your bureau chief, on official letterhead, confirming…