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The Hairpin
The Hairpin
Ladies first.
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“The World’s First Robot With Feelings Is a Big Hit”

The World’s First Robot With Feelings Is a Big Hit.
 The World’s First Robot With Feelings Has Shared This Article With You.
 The World’s First Robot With Feelings Wants To Know If You’ve Had A Chance To Read This Article.
 The World’s…

“Other Lessons Learned”

I just got that New Apple Watch 4 weeks early! #dontbelievemejustwatch #nowthatsludicrous
A photo posted by @ludacris on Mar 17, 2015 at 1:11pm PDT

Recently the ten-year-old in me was delighted to discover this fact:

Shop Talk

by A Lady

Can we talk about vibrators again? It’s time, right? There must be a half-life on women’s websites for