That’s What She’s Saying

Edith Zimmerman
The Hairpin
Published in
1 min readDec 12, 2011

Let’s travel back to 2009, when this penchant for poop, pee, shit and fuck hit the mainstream. That’s when Snooki, tanned trendsetter, burst into our living room, shouting, “I’m going to Jersey Shore, BITCH!” Snooki’s habit of talking about her vagina as if it were the ninth beach-house roommate quickly became her signature bit. “My vagina is killing me,” she announced on a season-three episode. But vagina was just the tip of her verbal iceberg. “Every time I get really excited, like if we go to a club, I have to poop my pants,” she bragged. “If we go to a party, I have to poop my pants. If I go on a date…I have to poop my pants.”

Hairpin pal (and aged crone) Emma Rosenblum steps demurely onto our computer screens, wondering, “is C-word-ville where we’re all headed?” Maybe so, but “There’s no shame in being a big, lame prude.” Plus overswearing ruins swearing.



Edith Zimmerman
The Hairpin

Spiralbound editor. Formerly at The Hairpin. Also now making a newsletter: