They Appear to Employ Some Means of Chemical Defense

Nicole Cliffe
The Hairpin
Published in
1 min readAug 9, 2012

Infarction? Tumor? Trauma? Fibrosis? Gummy bear? Guys, there’s so much we yet do not know about Ursus elasticus:

Other authors have also attempted to describe the complex biochemical arsenals of gummies. In their hallmark paper, “Herd Immunity in Gummy Bears”, Drs. Headd, Dallas and Rolfe postulate that Ursus elasticus rubra, in particular, has developed an antifungal agent which is quite effective at combating Aspergillus, a form of “toxic mould”. These “red” gummies may serve as soldiers for the colony with others having equally specialised roles. It is postulated that the white gummy bear may serve to discourage predation by its noxious taste.

Further research is needed to see if Perca swedishica afford similar opportunities for stem cell research, ideally boosting the endangered Chef swedishica population into stable breeding territory.

