Why Can

Edith Zimmerman
The Hairpin
Published in
1 min readNov 28, 2011

The homemade jar of jam becomes a symbol of resistance to industrial food and its environment-defiling ways. This view has been brewing for a while, a thick stew of Slow Food and locavorism and DIY brought to a boil by recession and anxiety. Suddenly, learning the old-fashioned skills of our great-grandmothers seems not just fun, but necessary and even virtuous.

Emily Matchar is making her own jam this holiday season, and wonders in an opinion piece for the Washington Post what it all means. Many things, apparently, and if Emily wants to share her jam with the people who link to her article, she is encouraged to get in touch.



Edith Zimmerman
The Hairpin

Spiralbound editor. Formerly at The Hairpin. Also now making a newsletter: https://drawinglinks.substack.com