Have you lost your Wanderlust?

How to reestablish your adventure craving

Michael Petyak
Operational Orders


What we get from this adventure is just sheer joy. And joy is, after all, the end of life. We do not live to eat and make money. We eat and make money to be able to live. That is what life means and what life is for.” ~ George Mallory

Remember being little? As a child, everything was an adventure. While exploring the woods behind your house you turned into Indiana Jones looking for rare lost artifacts. As we grew older, our responsibilities began to take over. Now, we are more like farm boy Luke Skywalker staring at two suns over the desert of Tatooine dreaming of the adventure, but being held back by the life we have created.

It’s not that we don’t still crave adventure, but we find excuses that keep us from pursuing it. Do any of these sound familiar?

Too much Work.

Not enough money.

What would I do with the kids?

As men, our sense of adventure can sometimes be reduced to hopes and dreams of white water rafting, biking across your state, or exploring history in different parts of the world. We dig deep into our work and responsibilities in an attempt to silence our wanderlust.

Have you lost your wanderlust?



A strong desire for travel

“A man consumed by wanderlust.”

One of the greatest regrets men have when reflecting on their life is that they didn’t pursue their dreams and that they worked too much.

No matter your age, it’s never too late to seek adventure. With technology at our fingertips, a quick Google search can give you many ideas of adventures with out having to leave your area. Start living now, Hangarman, so that you don’t come to the end of your life having regretted merely existing.

Before you leave, take a moment to leave a comment about your desire for adventure and what you plan to do about satisfying that craving. After you do that click the “like” button and share the article on your social media outlets. We want to spread our reach to as many men as we can, and we need your help. Finally, take a few minutes and listen to our latest episode where Chase, Ben, and Coach Mo talk about the craving of adventure in the lives of men.

