Recognizing Opportunity

Dani Murphy Faris
The HAP Mama’s Journey
3 min readMay 27, 2020


And rising to the occasion

I told you how everything shifted for me when I was offered an opportunity to make a transformational career change and shift paths with the direction my life was going…

And we hear stories like this on social media all the time; how someone got one-big-break that changed everything and they’ll never be the same again, and they lived happily ever after, etc. etc.

But it wasn’t just luck, or a miracle, or happenstance that this came to be… for me; or for any of them!

There’s crucial details about these types of stories that are usually neglected such as how to position yourself correctly to be seen as available for such opportunities and then how to recognize them when they appear, (because it’s all too easy to miss what’s often right in front of us.)

Everything we have done in our lives up until this point has value, and the potential to serve us a role larger than we have probably imagined.

As you can see from my story, I didn’t have to go back to school, or learn a new skills or trade to land the job of my dreams: it happened in reverse order. I was offered the job, and then decided to supplement my education in order to be the best I could be in that role.

And this never would have transpired had I not put myself out there. It’s a build-it-backwards mentality; when you get the thing you are after first; and then fill in the pieces to make it work after.

If I had gone about things the old-school; bottom up method and spent the same amount of time studying, training, and learning about this field of early childhood education before beginning to job search and send applications: I’d still be on that path to this day!

By building-it-backwards, I had incredible motivation and expectation in my court to get me on track to succeed in record time. My employer, and the families in my classes were counting on me to show up and create meaningful content based on my trainings: so that’s exactly what I did!

I had to rise up to the bar right off the cuff, and provide value; so I did!

Your personality, and being available to learn and excel is one of the most desirable qualities of an employer; beyond credentials or trainings.

The problem is: over 70% of women don’t apply for jobs because they think they are under qualified.

Imagine if they did.

If you don’t raise your hand, or stand up, or apply, or make yourself available, (even if you don’t feel 100% ready/qualified/perfect), then you aren’t even allowing yourself the chance to show your potential.

Think of it as not as though you need to say: “I am fully capable of mastering this job/role/opportunity.”

But rather: “I am 100% committed to do what it takes to succeed with this.”

But how did you even get offered the job in the first place? You’re probably thinking.

I wasn’t searching for new jobs, scrolling through indeed for hours each night, to asking for referrals on Facebook. It was 100% organic though my real-life contacts. Showing people your true (golden) colors over time has more of an impact on effective networking abilities; than any other forms of social media or resumes.

Did I have this in the back of my mine 18 years ago? No, of course not. But by being a genuine, kind, good hearted person: these are the types of qualities that people in your circle will consider when they’re trying to think of who would be right for the job they need; and that’s when you’ll get the phone call.



Dani Murphy Faris
The HAP Mama’s Journey

Parent-Child Educator and founder of The HAP Method; helping mama’s find financial freedom while staying home with their little ones.