Why Do Dogs Watch Us Undress?

The answer is not what you think it is.

Tan SiHui
The Happiness Den
3 min readMay 23, 2020


Do you often catch your dog staring at you while you undress, change or shower?

Many dog owners found this to be accurate, and dogs often stare harder when they catch us naked. It can be confusing, amusing, unnerving why dogs are determined to watch us while we shower? You probably want to know why. Stick around to find out.

Watcha doing?

Unlike humans, dogs have no concept of privacy or personal space.

Dogs are inquisitive animals. Many follow their owners from room to room in the house, often hoping to earn a treat or simply fear of missing out on what we are doing. Dogs watch you out of an innocent interest, not to freak you out.

Where’s your fur at?

Dogs can’t take off their fur coat, they are forced to wear it all the time. Seeing you remove your “fur” equivalent is something unusual and unique to them. Why can you take off your fur so easily, while I’m stuck with mine forever?

Dogs look to their owners for direction and reassurance, and changing your appearance dramatically is sure to get their attention.

I need you by my side

My dog follows me literally everywhere. When I’m doing work on the couch, he is either on the couch lying close beside me or on the floor where my legs are. When I’m eating, he will be going in circles under the dining table or be begging for food. When I’m about to leave the house, he will stand at the door, waiting for me to bring him to where I’m going.

Highly social creatures, dogs are the happiest when we are around them providing company and reassurance. While they might come off as overly clingy, following you around the house and distracting you from your tasks, they just want you by their side.

I want to check that out

Unless you roam around the house naked, Dogs are not used to seeing you without your clothes on. Dogs find Novelty entertaining. Seeing you getting changed or in the shower is something entirely new to them, of course, they don’t want to miss the sight! It’s certainly a feast for their eyes to watch you in the shower, or in the bathtub splashing water, covered in soap bubbles, or even hosting a little concert in there.

Novelty value to your dog should not be underestimated!

The truth is not what you think it is

Before you read this article, I bet you were thinking dogs are perverts, and being overly clingy. Most of the time, what we see and think may not necessarily be what it actually is. We need to stop judging others based on our thoughts alone. There is a story behind every person, it’s just whether or not they let you know their story. When you get to know the stories behind people, try putting yourself in their shoes. Will you choose to do the same if you are them? Chances are, the answer is similar. So, why are you judging others for the choices you too will make?

Thanks for reading!



Tan SiHui
The Happiness Den

Finding meaning in life through writing. When I’m not writing, I’m busy cuddling with my Pomeranian 🐶