4 Practical Steps to live in Uncertain Times

Aishwarya Rengan
The Happy Cub
Published in
3 min readOct 23, 2021
Photo by Senjuti Kundu on Unsplash

Living in uncertain times can be challenging. I know I am not the only one wide awake at night, deep in thought about the future and ways to get through things.

The idea of dealing with everyday activities with the constant pressure of uncertainty might be daunting. I have realized that the definition of normalcy has changed for every one of us. Humans are awful at handling changes.

The instinctive behavior of humans fills us with fear and anxiety at even the slightest change.

When the changes around you are no longer under your control, your life goes for a run. I have been reading articles to see how humans can adapt to change and agree well with uncertainty. Here are a few points that I wish, will help you live a better life.

Never fall into the trap!

When the world realizes you are going through a difficult time, everyone has an opinion to make you feel better. You end up with loads of messages telling you what to do and what not to. Identifying this trap and saving yourself from it is the first step I follow religiously.

In times of distress, you don’t need condescending tips to make your life better even when it is from the right person. Look out for them!

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Its OK to Wind-down

Find things that you want to do and will enjoy doing. I have found right in my early years that books rescue me every time. I quickly grab a feel-good book and get transported to a land of imagination and bliss.

I have seen many people zone down with movies, hanging out with friends, or writing it all out in their journals.

Understand that, somedays it is more important to survive than to be super productive with your life.

Never rush to conclusions!

Never try to bring meaning to what is happening. It is tiring to find a reason for everything. Never try to fast forward the phase to control your life because it’s a trap. It will be very late when you realize it, and you cannot help yourself out. All you can do is acknowledge how you feel. Just go through the process, and you will be amazed to see how much you have grown.

I was always on the lookout for the reins to control my life which I later realized was a futile attempt.

Photo by Marc-Olivier Jodoin on Unsplash

A little ray of sunshine

Amidst all this certainty, an anchor can help you survive and bring the hope of light into your life. The anchor could be your belief in anything. It could be the universe for some, in god for others. Times like these were when I consciously made an effort to be grateful for what I had and how much better I am. It is an effort worth taking. This little anchor will help you stay focused and gain insight when you feel your life is a mess.

In the upcoming articles, I will tell you how gratitude helped me create my dream life.

My belief in the universe and its power helped me sail through this phase. It was not easy to remain grateful in a period of uncertainty, but it changed my thoughts which greatly impacted my actions.

