If you want to be productive you might not want to read this!

Aishwarya Rengan
The Happy Cub
Published in
2 min readSep 6, 2021

I am constantly on the lookout for time-tested ways to become productive. I think it is another guilt-free method of wasting time. Anyway, in one such endeavor, I came across an article written by Darius Foroux. If you don’t know who Darius is, don’t worry. He is the author of the best-selling books Think Straight, Do It Today, and others focusing on productivity and building careers. So back to his article.

I was startled when he mentioned that trying to achieve perfectionism might reduce your productivity. I wondered if he might be right. I realized a perfectionist might be another procrastinator. Wondering how? Let me tell you.

A perfectionist wants things to be PERFECT and how do they achieve it? By waiting for the right moment to begin an activity. They never wish to make mistakes because they think they are never entitled to make any. They feel they never have enough time or so they believe.

Sounds like you?! Then you might be another procrastinator disguised under the name of a perfectionist. One thing that makes it worse is the feeling of worry and anxiety it fills you with when you must comply with deadlines.
It made me wonder, is it worth it to be under so much stress and work at the last moment?

Setting higher goals is not wrong. In fact, it’s a good sign of a success mindset. However, what matters is how you achieve what you want in life. Nothing is worth it at the cost of your health.

“I care too much” is the voice of a perfectionist. “I don’t care at all” is the voice of an idler. We neither need to be a perfectionist nor an idler. What we are looking for is an optimal spot for success. Find your spot and you are good to go!

When Oprah Winfrey said, “I have learned that you can’t have everything and do everything at the same time”, I couldn’t agree more.

Instead of worrying over what went wrong or not caring enough, focus on what can be done better and how to achieve it. More power to you!!

