What is your New year resolution?

Aishwarya Rengan
The Happy Cub
Published in
3 min readDec 30, 2019
Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

The month of December is exciting. Its the season of celebration. Jingle bells and midnight celebrations are over and it’s time for the new year!! Whohoo, congratulations peep, you deserve a pat on your back. We have successfully survived this year. I know it was such an uphill task but I am glad we made it. Throughout this one year, a whole lot of things have changed. As I sit down and reminisce with a cup of coffee and my favorite book, I’m pleased. This year has been a first for many things.

“You know what would be great? If I could lose a few kilos, make it to my dream college, switch to a satisfying career, get better fundings for the startup, get into a meaningful relationship, have better financial control and never experience humongous feelings of sadness, anger, anxiety or frustration, I think I would be happier”.

“Hey! I know. Let me resolve to change everything about me from January 1. That will be my new year’s resolution. It will be super cool.”

This would have been the thought for many. Whoa! Don’t you think that’s a lot on your plate? Your money management, emotional stability is not your defective characteristics. They are a result of being human, being you. As far as your ambitions, if you are truly devoted to it, you would never have waited for a date to decide on it. Do you know why everyone has a new year’s resolution? People are lazy to work on certain aspects of their lives and make it their resolution to work on it, which never happens and the cycle continues.

I am not against resolutions. They just don’t seem to be effective and serve the purpose.

Life is no cinema where you are going to be successful in a 5-minute song. No way that’s going to happen. I am sorry for bursting your bubble. Yet you have all that it takes to be a superstar in you and all it needs is a little more perseverance. A little push. Just as in the cinema, every story does have a happy ending. So until then just keep working without losing focus. It doesn’t matter when we will start working on it. It need not always be from January 1. Whenever you work on it, give it your undivided attention and complete it. Never stop midway just because it’s difficult. Anything worth it needs efforts to complete.

Photo by Jordan McQueen on Unsplash

To everyone who wants to make it big in life, let me tell you a secret. Of course, everybody is aware of this but nobody cares about it. In the process of achieving all your dreams and going after aspiration, don’t neglect your physical and mental health. Tadaa!! I told you. Anyone who has read my previous articles would know how much I ramble about it. I can never emphasize enough of its importance. You might have everything that you wished for but without good health, I’m sorry guys you will never be able to perform well. So, this new year my darling friends, in the spirit of improving yourself, resolve to take care of your health because the road to a better and happier future comes from good health and from promises that you can keep.

