I Gave Up On All My Goals And Here’s Why

Happiness is on the other side of goals.

The Happy Human


“The object of a person’s ambition or effort; an aim or desired result.”

That’s how Google defines a goal. “How you choose to prioritize what matters to you” is how my last therapist described a goal. “A never-ending source of anxiety and forced expectations,” is how I’d describe a goal.

Losing sight of the goal post forces you to focus on the race.

I was extremely goal-oriented by accident. Many of us are. I don’t think I’d meant to be that way. I’m not sure if anyone’s really meant to be. Upon starting therapy, you’re asked right off the bat, “What are your goals with therapy?” It’s important to have goals. It’s important to have a reason for the things you do. It’s important to see an end goal.

But, I’m not sure I see it anymore. I don’t want to. Losing sight of the goal post forces you to focus on the race. I’d noticed I was so focused on the goal, and not how to get there. And that created never-ending tension. Especially when these aren’t easily achievable goals. As a single millennial living in a major city, buying a house is a goal. But not an easy one.

Being totally goal-oriented ignores that there are things outside of your



The Happy Human

Freelance writer, video editor, Youtuber, & Complainer. I promise I’m a lot more fun at parties than these articles make you think. / thesimmybusiness@gmail.com