Things You Need to Know About Yin Yoga: Should You Try It?

Ahu Ermiş
The Happy Human
Published in
4 min readApr 15, 2020


Photo by wilsan u on Unsplash

Yin Yoga is one of the most popular yoga styles in which you practice long-held poses on the floor. The yin yoga style was introduced in the West by American martial arts champion Paulie Zink in the late 1970s. The Yoga teacher Paul Grilley worked with Zinc, and he evolved Yin Yoga further by explaining anatomical variations.

Yin yoga is derived from the Taoist concept of Yin and Yang, which reflects the cosmic duality in Chinese culture. The dualities create yin-yang pairs such as moon and sun, cold and hot, slow and fast, earth and sky, female and male, death and birth.

In other words, yin is described as stable and immobile, and yang is defined as changing and mobile. Therefore, more passive asanas called yin and whereas more dynamic poses are considered as yang.

If we make a physical comparison between yin and yang practice, yin is like taking care of your connective denser tissues such as ligaments, tendons, facia, and joints, but yang focuses on muscle strength.

Yin yoga is a passive stand and slow-paced yoga practice, and you hold the asanas ranging from three to five minutes. In more advanced…

