What Makes Holiday Traditions So Valuable?

John Broadway
The Happy Human
Published in
7 min readDec 11, 2020


O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree, such pleasure do you give me.

Allow me to begin with a story to help put this article into context.

T’was the onset of the 2019 holiday season, and my soul yearned for help. The Ghost of Mistakes Past ran my luck shorter than an elf.

Okay, no more corny holiday rhymes. But seriously, though, around Thanksgiving of last year, my self-inflicted misfortune had me in a bad state. Really bad. I’m talking The Grinch, bad.

Being scammed out of all the money in my bank account earlier in the year caused me to be homeless. And having been fired from a coveted job, I felt a sense of regression after being relegated to a soul-crushing job that left me feeling underemployed and under-skilled. Oh, and my license was suspended due to the thousands of dollars I owed the City. Yikes. It wasn’t the most wonderful time of the year.

T’was the season of despair.

T’was the first time in a decade I hadn’t sent out any Happy Thanksgiving texts — a holiday tradition I typically revere.

My circumstance’s despairing nature dogged my mental state; I lost my ability to be happy for others and exude my typical holiday spirit. Negativity ruled my thoughts:

F*ck reaching out to people. I’m the one going through sh*t; why can’t people check up on me? F*ck helping people. I need



John Broadway
The Happy Human

Just a man living with a wild notion that I can be the change I wish to see in this world. See my website to follow my journey as I do this. Johnbroadway.me