You Have Secret Admirers

Luba Sigaud
The Happy Human
Published in
4 min readMar 28, 2020


People look up to you — and you don’t even know it.

The other night, I overheard my brother gushing about how talented a public speaker he had listened to was.

And it occurred to me that most people don’t even realize how much people look up to them.

They go about their lives feeling bad about themselves and beating themselves up for insignificant things. They don’t think they’re smart enough, rich enough, or attractive enough to be worthy of being looked up to.

And yet, people they see every day look at them and think, ‘Man, I wish I could be like that.’

You don’t believe me? Here’s an example:

When I was attending a residential college a few years ago, I had a classmate who had everything going for her — she was incredibly smart, got straight A’s seemingly without effort, and made friends easily.

And if that wasn’t enough, she was also gorgeous.

To say I was a little intimidated by her would be an understatement — I was in awe of her.

I thought she was way better than me. Even though I loved being around her because she was always so kind to everyone, I didn’t think I was anywhere near her level.



Luba Sigaud
The Happy Human

French twenty-something. Unbroken optimist. I love to learn, laugh, and write. Reach me here: