Speak slowly and clearly

When you’re speaking a foreign language, nerves can make you speak quickly and trip over your words, but it’s important to speak slowly and clearly.

Kieran Ball
The Happy Linguist



When you’re speaking in a foreign language with somebody, speak slowly and clearly. Don’t feel the need to speak as quickly as the other person is speaking unless you’re completely comfortable with it.

If you’re not comfortable speaking yet, keep your sentences short and simple, and learn how to ask somebody to repeat themselves. You’ll need to get used to asking people to repeat themselves without feeling embarrassed. Just say, “Sorry, I’m still learning [insert language], say it again, please”.

If you speak slowly, you have less chance of stumbling over your words, and there is more chance the other person will understand you. Don’t worry if you’re not understood, however, just try again. Every language learner has been in the situation where they can’t make themselves understood. If you give up and revert to English, then you’ll never make progress. Just keep going, no matter how embarrassed you feel. Embarrassment is only a temporary feeling, but the joy of being understood will keep you going for ages. There’s no greater feeling than being able to converse freely in another language, but to get there, you will need to endure much embarrassment, and grow a thick skin.





Kieran Ball
The Happy Linguist

Teacher and creator of 3 Minute Languages — a series of books and online courses that help you to learn a foreign language quickly and easily www.3minute.club