Tackling a book in Spanish

Sometimes, even if you’re only a beginner in a foreign language, you should try and read something a little more advanced.

Kieran Ball
The Happy Linguist



Don Quixote — 3 Minute Languages

Even if you only manage to read and understand one sentence, you might pick up something, like a word, or maybe a grammatical structure. It might lead to you making up new sentences using that word, or, even if you don’t quite understand exactly what the sentence means, it might lead to you understanding something else you previously struggled with.

“Pidió las llaves a la sobrina del aposento donde estaban los libros, y ella se las dio de muy buena gana.”

This quote is from a very famous Spanish book called “Don Quixote” by “Miguel de Cervantes”.

Let me translate it into English, and then I’ll go through it a word at a time:

“He asked the niece for the keys to the bedroom where the the books were, and she gave them to him very willingly.”

Firstly, this sentence seems all muddled up if you translate it word for word:

“He asked the keys to the niece of the bedroom where were the books, and she him them gave very good desire”



Kieran Ball
The Happy Linguist

Teacher and creator of 3 Minute Languages — a series of books and online courses that help you to learn a foreign language quickly and easily www.3minute.club