Using Forvo to improve your pronunciation

There’s a wonderful little gem of a website called and it’s basically a place where you can hear words in almost any language pronounced by native speakers! ¡Fantástico!

Kieran Ball
The Happy Linguist



When you first arrive at the homepage, you simply type in a word in any language you can think of (they even have really random languages like Franco-Provençal, which is a very regional French/Italian/Swiss language spoken by about 140,000 people).

You just type in the word in any language and then click the little magnifying glass:

Let’s type in the word “internet”, which exists in the same form in many languages. What happens is you’re taken to a page that then allows you to select the language you want to hear the word pronounced in.

You can then pick the language you want to hear the word pronounced in. You can also see, for each language, variations of the word you typed in along with phrases that the word appears in. All you have to do, once you’ve selected the language, is click the little blue triangular play button to the left of the word or phrase, and a recording will start to play.



Kieran Ball
The Happy Linguist

Teacher and creator of 3 Minute Languages — a series of books and online courses that help you to learn a foreign language quickly and easily