How You Resolve Conflict in Your Relationship Will Predict Its Longevity

There’s no such thing as the perfect partner.

Jessica Lynn
The Happy Spot


There’s no such thing as the perfect partner. That’s good news.

We’re conditioned through advertisements, our peers, TV, movies and sometimes, our caregivers, to believe that when the perfect guy comes along, we will know, there will be magic, birds will sing, we’ll be swept off our feet, and when this happens, we’ve found the “one.”

I’m here to tell you, that’s not true.

The “one” doesn’t exist.

There are many “ones” and the “one” for right now. The “one” who got away may seem like the “one” precisely because he got away.

For decades I thought the guy who got away was the one love of my life, and while we were a great fit, the truth is in any long term relationship conflict will arise.


Disagreements between people are normal and healthy, but how you go about resolving them matters most.

In my first marriage, we did not fight at all. Zero arguments are not a good sign for marriage either and should have been a red flag for me from the beginning.



Jessica Lynn
The Happy Spot

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