Sometimes the Best Way to Solve a Problem Is to Ignore It

Even the seemingly big ones.

Jessica Lynn
The Happy Spot


Photo by Danil Moiseev on Unsplash

Have you ever noticed the more attention you give to something, the more life you give it, in every way? It expands. Gets bigger, takes up more of your time, energy, and sometimes money. Dominating your existence. You can’t ignore all problems to make them go away, but many you can ignore to reduce output spent.

You can’t ignore a lump under your arm, or credit card debt mounting, or a spouse cheating. You need to schedule that doctor’s appointment, set up that debt repayment plan, or address your relationship and figure out if this is your person, someone who lies to you. Those are problems that, by ignoring them, sweeping them under the rug, only get worse. In some areas, attention is necessary.

But some things are better off if we ignore them rather than attack them by giving them much of our attention.

What we pay attention to expands. I’ve seen this play out many times in life. The law of attraction is valid.

We’ve all seen the movie The Secret. The Law of Attraction is a real thing. We’re all susceptible to laws which govern the Universe, including the Law of Attraction. We attract into our lives what we focus on. Quantum physics says that what’s happening on the inside determines what’s…



Jessica Lynn
The Happy Spot

Entrepreneur + Writer. Come join me in the creator economy. Get my eBook, How to Make Money on Medium. Hit FOLLOW ⤵