Business hippies talk working free-range, finding purpose + recharging

Fiona Duffy
The Happy Startup School
2 min readAug 11, 2015


By Carlos Saba + Fiona Duffy
The Happy Startup School

Interview with Gar Mac Criosta

Carlos Saba, our co-founder at the Happy Startup School was joined by Gar Mac Criosta, adventurer and founder of Business Model Adventures a little while back. Together they created a podcast inviting Gar to share his journey as an entrepreneur and the moments, thoughts and events that have helped shape his path.

There are some key takeaways for anyone about to start or are running their own business throughout their chat. Also expect a first hand report of the impact attending Summercamp + Alptitude had on Gar’s entrepreneurial decisions.

In the podcast, they talk about:

Finding balance + supporting a family whilst running business.

How Gar found his purpose in life and how individual people he met at Summercamp + Alptitude were key to helping him realise it.

Gar’s ethos in business — to give no false promises. Corporates overpromise outcomes they can’t deliver on but Gar’s approach builds trust from day 1.

Why work should be an adventure. It should be exciting + fun.

How Summercamp gave Gar the opportunity for quality conversations that other conferences couldn’t (some of his best conversations happening in the queue for the shower!)

Why attending Summercamp + Alptitude meant Gar connected dots in his head he’d never connected before

Why some of the Summercamp 2014 workshops put everything into perspective for him, especially when it came to money

What it’s like to be part of a community where everyone is working to do business differently, with purpose + meaning

How Alptitude gave Gar the headspace to do the things he’d been putting off

And finally, how Gar realised life is all about free-range business, and why he takes meetings to the park or on walks; getting outside gets results.

Listen here.

Hope you enjoy the podcast. We’d love to welcome you to the Happy Startup School community. For inspiring interviews, events, ecourses and more visit us at



Fiona Duffy
The Happy Startup School

Chief Happiness Officer @spookstudio & @happystartups I tweet a lot about my cat and wacky nail polish. High fives all round.