Alpseleration: Day 1

Carlos Saba
The Happy Startup School
2 min readOct 13, 2015

An experiment in “making in the mountains”

This is the first in a series of brain dumps from our week at Le Badney in the French Alps. We’re here with 5 other businesses/teams to get inspired by the location, get inspired by each other and make stuff happen. We’re here to Alpselerate our ideas. How it actually turns out will be something I’ll try to capture in this series of posts. Given our experience with our Alptitude event this will probably be an emergent process.

The original plan had been to bring 6 different teams together that wanted to build similar products. In this way we could learn from each other and hopefully each build something within the week. We want to keep the days fairly unstructured with only a couple of points in the day where we get together to discuss challenges and share progress. The majority of the time should be devoted to building and shipping.

Today has been about getting into the groove. This morning we got together to share why each of us were here and what we wanted to get out of the week. Many of us are struggling with fundamentally similar challenges and so being together should help us tackle them better.

In order for this experiment to work you need to build trust amongst a group quickly. It looks like this has happened and I’m not sure if it’s due to the people who are here, the location, both or something else...

Being next to “f*ck off” huge mountains definitely gives you a sense of perspective and deflates the ego.

So who’s Alpselerating?

Jon Barnes
Stella Bayles
Kate Gaze
Jack Hubbard
Linda Hubbard
Carl Jeffrey
Jon Markwell
Laurence McCahill
Rorie McIntosh
Gary Preston
Antony Ribot
Jerome Ribot
Carlos Saba

“If you come here with the wrong intentions this place will spit you out.”

I’m currently on a journey to build a world where we all find that thing that lights our fire and drives us to positively contribute to those around us. We’re doing this by growing The Happy Startup School into a worldwide community of purpose driven entrepreneurs and changemakers. If you’re interested in helping our mission then check us out! You can find me on Twitter as@kungfucarlos and @happystartups.



Carlos Saba
The Happy Startup School

Co–founder of The Happy Startup School. Lover of learning and using that learning to help others.