Business Hippy #2: January 2017

Laurence McCahill
The Happy Startup School


Happy New Year.

Is it too late to say that?

How are you feeling at the start of the year? Focused? Clear? Or like me, struggling to get your brain back into gear after some time away?

Well don’t be too hard on yourself.

In Jamie Catto’s words “We are each of us a wise guru… in charge of a mental patient.”

The new year is traditionally a time when people assess their life and career goals. And for many we meet this means thinking outside the boss. But how can you get started when you don’t know where to start? And how do you get clear when you’re already on the path?

Read my latest post where I dig a little deeper
10 questions to ask your crazyfuckerself if 2017 is to be your year

If you’re serious about launching your startup this year then hurry, class starts on Monday.

In others news…

The last 5 spaces have been released for Ashram Goa which takes place from Feb 20–27 in India. If you’d like to take a pause, share knowledge and a life changing experience with creatives, founders and changemakers from around the world then don’t delay, apply here.

Last month we told you about the launch of our monthly themes and January is Collaboration month. Join as a member and you’ll get access to great resources, a supportive community and time-saving tools. Coincidentally there’s some big news in the community with highlights the value of this. Our friends Jack Hubbard and Chris Drummond have joined forces to build a bucketlist-fuelled beer brand — read their story in the latest of our Humans of Happy Startups series on Medium. An inspirational story of passion and perseverance.

In other news our re-scheduled Lazy Guru workshop is happening on Thursday January 19th. We’re focusing on New Year’s resolutions, or rather, how to let go of them, by doing less. You’ll get the chance to get clear about the year ahead and get feedback on your projects. Tickets now available from as little as £75 including lunch.

Each month we’ll be sharing a Golden Oldie post from our archives. As Ashram is coming round again, now seems like a good time to re-visit this post from Laurence on the future of business events where emergence and experience play a key role.

If you’re based in Brighton and are looking for a place to work and learn, we have space for a couple more. We already have 25 great people working from our space including startups, illustrators, developers, designers and strategists

We’re off to Spain this week for a 2 day gathering for our chapter leaders to explore how we can build sustainable happy startup communities across Europe. While we’re there we’re heading to Typeform’s office our Barcelona launch at Typeform’s amazing office. If you’re there this Thursday come along.

Finally, we’re saying farewell to someone special.

After 4 years at The Happy Startup School, Fiona Duffy will be leaving us. Having joined us straight from Uni, we’ve seen her grow and develop during her time with us. Now she’s keen to focus on building her own startup, A key part of our success to date, she will be greatly missed but we’re really excited for her as she makes this leap. She’ll still be active in the community and part of the crew at this year’s Summercamp. Please join us in wishing her well — good luck Fi!

Have a great January.

Until next time folks.




Laurence McCahill
The Happy Startup School

Designer, coach, entrepreneur. Co-founder The Happy Startup School.