F*ck Motivation

Just do it

Oliver Uwins
The Happy Startup School


By Oliver Uwins
Chief Maker The Happy Startup School

Recently Shia LaBeouf recorded a rather strange inspirational video. Although on the surface it seems like the insane ramblings of a man who has lost grip on reality, he might have a point.

The way I see it is if you want to get something done, there are basically two ways to go about it:

  1. Motivation — if you are motivated then completing a task is easy.

Motivation is a mental state. It is not something you have control over. This can be an issue because if you sit around waiting to feel motivated you could be waiting for a very long time. It is a fleeting and unreliable thing.

2. Discipline — if you are disciplined you will get shit done.

Discipline is reliable. You are not waiting for that magical moment when the stars align, when you’ve had the perfect amount of sleep or when there’s nothing on TV to watch. If you are disciplined you will complete tasks regardless of if you feel like it or not.

Motivation is defined as:

Desire or willingness to do something; enthusiasm

So what if you have no desire to do something?

Relying on motivation is backwards. Trying to get yourself to feel like doing something that you have already decided to do seems ridiculous. Why not just do it and feel good about it after.

Sometimes it’s impossible to feel motivated about completing a task. I for one find it hard to believe that anyone can feel motivated about data entry. However if you remove the need for enthusiasm in completing unenjoyable tasks like this, you don’t have to decide anymore, you just have to do it.

There’s no need to rely on motivation if you have a system of discipline in place. So how do you become disciplined? It’s a simple matter of establishing habits.

Treat yourself as if you were a computer.

Computers are not programmed to compromise or negotiate. If you tell a computer to do something it does it.

It should be the same with you. Create a routine and stick to it. Be strict with yourself and it will get easier as your habit is naturally built.

F*ck the motivation and the inspiration. Form a habit. Be disciplined and get shit done.

As Shia says:

“Just do it”

