Laurence McCahill
The Happy Startup School
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4 min readJan 10, 2020


💡 Get Our Free Guide to Creating a Clear Vision for 2020 & beyond

In my last post I talked about the need to create an excite strategy as we enter 2020 and the start of a new decade.

At The Happy Startup School we want you to craft a vision for the next 10 years that helps you get stupidly excited about what lies ahead.

Where your zone of genius meets what the world needs.

Think of it as a place where you’re living your purpose — life is good and work feels effortless. This is about creating a vision that inspires, but has a grounding in reality.

If you’re able to clearly paint this picture of your future then the most important job is done — you have clarity on where you’re going.

This is your 2020 Vision

Not a 10 year plan — but a 10 year horizon, where you have room to play and grow.

Where you think long term and learn to enjoy the journey.

Working out how to achieve that vision is the fun bit.

You’ll begin to start thinking more creatively because you’ll be excited about where you’re going, and you’ll be more focused on how this business will work for you rather than the other way around.

So why don’t more of us do it?

One word — effort.

Creating or communicating a vision feels like effort.

Often as entrepreneurs we have an idea in our heads and a vague direction we’re going in, but putting this into words is another thing.

Ever tried to explain what it is you’re trying to do with your business over a drink at a dinner party and struggled to get the right words out?



Simplifying the first step

We’re big advocates of thingifying your thoughts — turning those ideas in your head into a thing that you can share with others.

This guide is our attempt to help you get started with crafting your vision in a way that connects with others, but more importantly gets you clear yourself.

So how can having a clear vision help?

  1. It excites you
  2. It becomes a magnet for others
  3. It helps you to know what’s in and what’s out
  4. It saves you time working on the wrong things
  5. It opens up doors of possibility you can’t imagine right now

Years ago when we were designing apps for a living we’d work closely with our clients to agree on some guiding principles and a vision for the product.

Once we did that, how we got there became a whole lot easier.

It meant we could be more creative about how we approached the project and were more open to spot opportunities on how to do things better.

However, if we weren’t clear on what success looked like then the project would just go round in circles as we argued over what was the best technology to use or what design looked prettiest.

A huge waste of time (and money).

And we see this pattern again and again — those with a clear vision know where they’re going and eliminate anything that won’t help them get there.

In a very similar way we want you to get clear on your vision for your world and how your business fits into this.

If you’re ready to level up by crafting a new story for your work read our full guide to vision » 10 ways to paint a picture of the future that excites you (and becomes a magnet for others)

This free guide is brought to you by 2020 Vision – our new group coaching program for just 20 founders that launches 31st Jan. Learn more.



Laurence McCahill
The Happy Startup School

Designer, coach, entrepreneur. Co-founder The Happy Startup School.