I triple dare you to do this on your next remote meeting

Nicholas Himowicz
The Happy Startup School


If you’re anything like me, you’ve been on a lot of video conferences recently.

So you’re most likely feeling pretty confident about using tools like Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Google Meet.

But there are probably still plenty of little things you don’t know that could help make a big difference to how you use them — keyboard shortcuts for example.

Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are like an old friend you don’t call very much — the one you know you should call but just haven’t got round to for a long time. And it’s been so long, you feel like it would be awkward to start messaging them now.

Now is the time to start thinking about keyboard shortcuts again (and maybe your old friend too.)

Keyboard shortcuts are going to help you get more efficient in your video conferences, make things flow more smoothly and enable you to concentrate properly on the people rather than the technology (which, after all, is what it’s all about!)

Don’t be surprised if these keyboard shortcuts BLOW YOUR MIND! 😛

1. Mute/unmute audio

This is the Google Meet mute/unmute audio shortcut. See below for Zoom and Teams versions.

When you’re not speaking it’s a really good idea to put your microphone on mute so you avoid background noise (e.g. car alarms going off outside and screaming children in the background) as well as feedback loops and echos.

Being on calls where everyone has their microphone on makes you feel more drained, more quickly.

But depending on the type of video conference call you’re on, you can be muting and unmuting yourself every few minutes.

So once you learn the keyboard shortcut, you can save a lot of time and not make everyone have to wait so long for you to unmute yourself.

Google Meet

  • iOS: Command + D
  • Windows: Control + D


  • iOS: Command + Shift + A
  • Windows: Alt + A

Microsoft Teams

  • iOS: Command + Shift + M
  • Windows: Ctrl + Shift + M

2. Start/stop video

It’s so much better when everyone has their webcams turned on as it makes it feel much more like an in person experience. The number one reason why people don’t like having their webcam on is not because they’re shy or their wifi is shaky, it’s because they’re multitasking.

The main reason why people don’t want to turn on their webcams is because they’re multitasking.

If they’re multitasking they’re not fully present or engaged and if the video conference is important and relevant (which it should be otherwise why are you having it in the first place?), they should be focussed and committed to it.

It’s also a good idea to take regular breaks because video conferences can be more tiring than face to face meetings. When people go for breaks it’s a good idea to get everyone to turn off their cameras/microphones quickly.

Google Meet

  • iOS: Command + E
  • Windows: Control + E


  • iOS: Command + Shift + V
  • Windows: Alt + V

Microsoft Teams

  • iOS: Command + Shift + O
  • Windows: Control + Shift + O

3. Open/close chat box

The chat box is where the magic happens. You want people to interact both with you and with one another on your calls. It’s always good to encourage people to use it at the beginning of a session.

I like to check in with people and ask them to answer questions in the chat box or even just give me a thumbs up or a yes in the chat box if they understand or agree with what I’ve just said.

So being able to access the chat box quickly is key. Sometimes the chat box covers up the video of other participants, so that’s why I like to use this shortcut.

Google Meet

  • iOS: Control + Command + C


  • iOS: Command + Shift + H
  • Windows: Alt + H

Microsoft Teams

  • iOS: Command+2 (on app)/Command + Shift + 2 (on web)
  • Windows: Control+2 (on app)/Control + Shift + 2 (on web)

⭐️ Bonus tip — Emoji keyboard ⭐️

Emojis are such a quick and expressive way to communicate. After all a picture says a thousand words.

I like to type them in the chat box. Sometimes, I also like to ask participants to describe how they’re feeling using a single emoji.

Did you know you can open up a special keyboard for emojis?

It’s so fast and easy!

  • iOS: Control + Command + Space Bar
  • Windows: Windows + . or Windows + ;

What are your favourite tips for video conferencing tools?

Let me know in the comments below 👇



Nicholas Himowicz
The Happy Startup School

I love learning new things and sharing what I learn through blogs, videos and workshops. www.nickhimo.com