Master The Magic of Meaningful Meetings

We’ve spent years in windowless meeting rooms. No more.

Laurence McCahill
The Happy Startup School
4 min readAug 9, 2017


Our world is changing fast.

Technology is revolutionising how we work & live. Innovation is all around.

But where’s the innovation in the way we gather?

After all, the era of the lone genius is gone.

Collaboration is the new competition.

So it’s about time we started meaningfully connecting with others to co-create a better future.

But how do we create spaces for this to happen?

At The Happy Startup School we’ve built a community of 100,000 entrepreneurs around the world, all as a result of running a handful of game-changing events that have created lasting impact and deep human connections.

Here we share some of our secret sauce so you can bring more meaning to your gatherings, whether large or small:

We’re mammals.

We’re made to be outdoors.

When we’re in nature ideas flow.

We breathe more freely, our shoulders drop and we open up.

We also get perspective.

Great ideas and breakthroughs don’t happen in the boardroom.

So head to the park, go on a hike or find a spot on the beach or in the woods.

Your soul — and team – will thank you for it.

When we’re relaxed and not attached to a goal we leave space for new ideas to emerge.

We need the freedom to explore and develop these ideas without negativity or judgement.

So don’t fill the schedule, leave room for some serendipity.

“At Alptitude the balance between moderation, serendipity and activity, was perfect for me. I will cherish the experience, the friends I made and the memories I keep forever.” Jeroen Meens, Netherlands

No-one should be forced to attend and everyone should feel like they can contribute in their own way.

Turning off digital devices means you can give the gathering your full attention.

So invite people to come, and ask those that do, to be present.

No matter where we’re from, the one language we all have in common is food.

It’s a staple for our nourishment, but also provides a sense of comfort, culture and connection.

Breaking bread together is a simple pleasure and a taste or smell can act as a memory trigger.

Put food at the heart of your gatherings and make everyone feel at home.

How we show up at our gatherings sets the tone for how everyone behaves.

If we as hosts show vulnerability it encourages others to let their guard down.

This is the key to deep connection.

Make it clear how you want people to interact and contribute so that everyone’s needs are met.

Making people feel welcome and at ease sounds easy, but most people don’t do it.

Life’s too short for boring meetings.

Balance deep conversation with moments of lightness and shared experiences.

Laughter opens the mind and frees the creative juices.

It makes us more receptive to new ideas and turns strangers into friends.

Bringing it all together

Incorporating these elements into your meetings and events can lead to truly transformational experiences that create impact.

It will create stronger bonds between participants and deliver real long-term value.

But the first step is for you to care enough to show up, be the connector and make it all happen.

Experience first-hand what it’s like when you bring likeminded people together in stunning surroundings at our upcoming Summercamp and Alptitude events.



Laurence McCahill
The Happy Startup School

Designer, coach, entrepreneur. Co-founder The Happy Startup School.