Once You Fully Commit, Things Fall Into Place

Laurence McCahill
The Happy Startup School
3 min readJul 17, 2019


“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it;
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.”
William Hutchison Murray

In her beautifully written book A Short Course in Happiness after Loss, Dr Maria Sirios ends with a poignant message.

One that I’ve seen played out for myself and for many others that have found their calling in life and work.

That is – when we move towards a life that nourishes us — the world will rise to meet us.

“It will send envoys, carriers of messages that essentially say you are on the right path, keep going. As we choose to take action that is positive, nourishing, and in alignment with our true and healthy selves, it can sometimes feel as if the world is right there with us on the journey, calling us forward into who we might become.” Dr Maria Sirios

Stepping into the unknown

When we took a big leap back in 2015 by closing a successful business to realise our vision for The Happy Startup School, these envoys came in their droves.

We were able to make this seemingly bold move as we could feel a crowd of hearts propelling us forward, since first putting our vision out there 2 years earlier.

From positive words in our ear, to lovely emails, messages and thoughtful hand-written cards in the post.

We knew we were on the right path.

This reminds me of one of my favourite words:

Pronoia (n.) – the belief that the universe is conspiring in your favour

What if, instead of thinking that the world is against you (paranoia), you start to believe that the universe is conspiring to do you good?

Deepak Chopra calls this synchrodestiny, it’s also been called synchronicity, coincidence or happenstance. Whatever it’s called, it exists and it can feel like magic.

But you need to meet opportunity half way.

The first step is down to you.

It’s time to commit.

Yes, it’s scary.

Yes, it’s uncertain.

But happiness takes courage.

We’re a long time dead.

This life isn’t a dress rehearsal.

So, if there’s something you want to do but haven’t yet made the leap – what are you waiting for?

If you’d like to move towards a happier, more fulfilling path with kindred spirits from around the world then it’s not too late to join Happy Startup Summercamp – more info at www.happystartupsummer.camp



Laurence McCahill
The Happy Startup School

Designer, coach, entrepreneur. Co-founder The Happy Startup School.