‘Stop having ideas’ and other leftfield wisdom for entrepreneurs and change-makers

Whether you’re just about to start your project or business, are in the thick of it or are coming out the other side, here are some gems from the archives to help you on your way.

Sophie Develyn
The Happy Startup School
4 min readOct 11, 2018


The Summercamp ‘Needs Wall’ 2018

The Happy Startup School community is made up of lots of different kinds of entrepreneurs and change-makers. Wherever you are on your journey, you’ve got something to bring to the table, and something to gain by being there.

“I know there is strength in the differences between us. I know there is comfort, where we overlap.”
Ani DiFranco

The more varied the community, the stronger it is. Though we all come together to find inspiration, connection, to dig out our purpose and map out our needs, everybody arrives from a different place. I’ve whittled down three examples of those places, that might resonate with you.

The Seeker

“I don’t know!”

Full of hope and self doubt and ideas and procrastination, you have an idea (or not even that) and a burning desire to change things up, get out of your rut and start building your life around a new purpose.

Get stuck into…

The Art of Having No Idea — Laurence Shorter
For how not knowing is fine! Great, even. A state of being full of potential and possibility, if you let it be. A firm favourite from Summercamp 2017, Laurence Shorter (aka the Lazy Guru) returned again this year to run his workshop, all around the power of doing nothing and seeing what happens. Watch this clip or watch the full talk here.

Disrupting the Status Quo — Ruth Anslow
A real masterclass in finding your purpose and reinventing business as usual into what it could, or should, be. Ruth took it to the food industry, but ‘destructive innovation’ can be applied to any number of stale institutions. Take your pick!

The Happiness Trap
In this blog post, Laurence McCahill outlines the real ‘why’ of the Happy Startup School, where purpose is the sweet spot between what you love to do, what’s good for the world and what makes you money.

The Steam Train

“More fuel, more fuel!”

You’re up and running, a startup, an entrepreneur, the founder of a new and exciting social movement, but you’re burned out, knackered, out of ideas. You need some coal in the fire, some new inspiration to keep you pushing full steam ahead.

Firstly, watch this:

And then, what about…

From Little Pips — Steve Stark
When things are going at breakneck speed, mistakes are made. Sometimes really big ones. Steve’s perspective is a valuable one for the tired and weary entrepreneur, where every big mistake is not only par for the course, but useful and necessary too.

What we can learn from the world’s happiest people — Eiji Han Shimizu
After six years developing a documentary about happiness, Eiji gave a memorable talk at Summercamp 2015 to tell his personal story, an inspirational one for anybody who’s ever found themselves ‘at the top of the wrong mountain’ in life and work.

The Established

“Been there, done that.”

You’ve worked hard to get where you are and you got there. The structure is up, the ship is sailing, and the day-to-day of the business has begun to lift gently out of your hands. It’s time for the next thing, the new thing…but what is it?

Have a look at…

Bucketlist Business Planning — Jack Hubbard
An oldie but a goodie, this free-range talk from the very first Summercamp will get you thinking about different ways to maintain your business, how to use the resources you didn’t know you had to make dreams come true and power your people.

Clearing the Way –Charles Davies
In this thoughtful and concise talk from Summercamp 2016 Charles talks improvisation, losing it all, trying again and stepping into other ways of life.

15 things we learned in the mountains that will make you a better leader
Laurence McCahill’s blog post for the surprising epiphanies about life and business he drew from last June’s Alptitude in Europe.

Summercamp is where we come together as a community to get inspired, connected, to learn and grow, from wherever we are to wherever we want to be going.

We’re offering a limited number of Summercamp Memberships for October only: get a whole year of Happy Startup Membership and top it off with a ticket to Summercamp 2019 for only £79+vat a month. It’s all the support, inspiration, guidance and celebration you could possibly need to fuel the fires of your passion project.

Sound good? Click here for more details…

