If you’re going to dream don’t forget to do!

Carlos Saba
1 min readJan 31, 2016

Thanks for your article on doing more of what we’re good at. When we play to our strengths we find flow. However we can never find flow if we don’t start. People tend to overthink ideas and are only happy to share them when they’re perfect. Only perfect things are valuable. But with the huge popularity of the Lean Startup approach we should now feel comfortable with just getting an idea out in the world as quickly as possible and then working on it. As they say the perfection is the enemy of done! And I agree not acting on our ideas has a compound affect and makes it harder the next time. Conversely by getting into a habit of doing we’ll find that going from from “idea to action” gets ever easier.



Carlos Saba

Co–founder of The Happy Startup School. Lover of learning and using that learning to help others.