Travelogue — My Most Life Changing Road Trip

Ramya Mk
The Harried Human
Published in
3 min readMay 4, 2017

Travelling has always been something I have been passionate about; as passionate as I am about eating, in fact. It’s that high in the list!

So, when I relocated to Bangalore for work, it was like a dream come true!

My first journey to work started at around 8 am. The Weather Gods were feeling magnanimous that day and decided to let my first road trip be accompanied by the most beautiful weather. With a goofy smile, and four lemons under the car’s tires (never mind that the Husband needed them to cook his meal that day), I was off to a start.

The first awe-inspiring spot I came across was a beautiful bridge over a gushing river. I was blessed to discover this little gem so close to my home. I rolled down the windows to let the cool air hit my face — stink and everything. As far as sewage rivers go, this is one you definitely cannot miss.

Barely recovering from the splendor of the sewage, I drove on, humming, quite fittingly, to ‘Paradise City’.

People have always told me that to experience this city to the fullest, one needs to experience all Her moods. This was exactly why I was happy when the skies turned grey and it started pouring. I experienced a strange phenomenon right about then — while it was raining cats and dogs over my car, the car behind me was totally dry. In fact, if I straddled the fine line between the two cars, I could be in two weathers at once! Just like Mandy Moore! Woah!

A Drive To Remember

Now, all you adventure enthusiasts, take note — this is the perfect opportunity for you to do some white water rafting. It was a unique experience, considering in all the times I’d been rafting before, I had never used my own car as the raft itself. The adrenaline rush I felt as I ploughed through the water, trying to avoid all the bikes, cows and whirlpools — it’s something I will never forget.

After a mind blowing half hour, the sun came out. An exciting thing happened then; something I had only read about, and never seen in person — the biggest herd of vehicles flocked the road. Wildlife at it’s best. Nothing beats the sound of a giant herd yelling and honking at each other. This stunning spectacle had me rooted to the spot. Of course, this had nothing to do with the fact that I couldn’t move an inch, even if I wanted to.

By then, it had already been three hours since I’d started and I found myself nearing my workplace, yet wishing the journey would never end. I waved to the people who were driving their bikes on the footpath, just so that I could have some extra space on the road. Some of the most warm and generous people I have ever met.

I think I can write pages about this trip — I have the time now (while I sit in a cab, waiting to get to work). But I will tell you this — it is a trip I recommend to every single traveler out there, waiting to get in touch with their inner self. I enjoyed some places so much, that I circled around and went right back to them — all the construction and the ditches blocking the roads only just helped me get there faster.

This road trip was special to me. I discovered so much about myself. I learnt about happiness, excitement, contentedness and control — control of my emotions, as well as my bladder.

If you ever get the opportunity to go on this road trip, please do. I only hope that you find it as life altering as I did.



Ramya Mk
The Harried Human

Human, Writer, Programmer, Daughter, Mother, Wife. Hater of cooked carrots and beets. Lover of parrots and good beats.