This Week in Wizard Activism: Get your GLA 2019 Tickets NOW!!!

By Jessica Rozycki

Fandom Forward
the Wizard Activist
4 min readJul 28, 2018


Graphic of our This Week in Wizard Activism logo! It features the words “This Week in Wizard Activism” and our logo on a blue background.

Today, This Week in Wizard Activism is brought to you by 6 of your favorite queer humans (The Fab 5 + me).

A gif from Queer Eye in which Bobby Berk is driving a truck and exclaiming, “Woot! Woot!”

Karamo is here to deliver all of the motivation you need to complete 26.2 miles.

A gif from Queer Eye of Karamo saying, “You got this, boo.”

The House Cup Marathon begins Monday! You can sign up here to join your house on a super fun virtual adventure around Edinburgh. Race details are as follows: Run, walk, or wheel anywhere you want. Then log activity, see yourself move on our map, and check out the Google Street View of your virtual locale. If you don’t want to log any miles but still want to fundraise, you can join the HPA Cheer Squad! All of the money raised from the House Cup Marathon will go toward our next campaign, focused on immigration. Good luck to everyone participating! Remember to drink plenty of water, listen to some rockin’ jams, and be proud of every mile along the way.

LeakyCon is coming up which means more time with your wizard friends and less time being around Muggles who don’t understand your HP love.

A gif from Queer Eye of Antoni saying, “Borderline obsessive.”

If you’re going to LeakyCon, we’ll be there!!! Stop by our booth and say hi, grab some rad wizard activist merch, and sign up for our email list! We also will have programming throughout the weekend which you won’t want to miss!!!


A gif from Queer Eye featuring Bobby, Karamo, and Jonathan while Karamo says, “Whaaaaat?”

YOU HEARD CORRECTLY. Register for the Granger Leadership Academy here! Early Owl Tickets are only $50! That’s an incredible price for four days of high-quality leadership and activism training. Act fast because there are only 200 tickets available!

Let’s be real about fake news…you won’t find any in our research reports.

A gif from Queer Eye of Tan saying, “We call that shade.”

But it’s pretty nice shade, don’t you think? Shout out to our awesome researchers for keeping us informed when the news gets more and more difficult to follow. Recent highlights include:

  • badass women teaming up at Comic Con to address gender inequality in Hollywood
  • discussions about power and electricity sources in Puerto Rico
  • a super rad resource that calculates how valuable libraries are (in case you needed another reminder)
  • and the highest number of Muslim Americans running for office since 2001.

Sometimes the news is tough, but we’re grateful that our researchers always include updates that keep us hopeful.

Rebellions are built on ComicCon panel greatness.

A gif from Queer Eye of Jonathan and Tan celebrating while Jonathan exclaims, “Yas!”

San Diego Comic Con was last weekend, and as you can imagine, the power of fandom was stronger than ever. Our volunteer Campaigns Manager Sara Mortensen represented the HPA on the panel What Rebellions are Built On, all about geeks and nerds and activism, oh my! For those who didn’t get to attend Comic Con, you can watch the awesome panel here.

HPA volunteers are all about that internet life. (Because we all work remotely.)

A gif from Queer Eye of Jonathan high-fiving one of the contestants and saying, “You’re on the blogs.”

Seriously, you don’t even need to wear pants to do these volunteer jobs. That’s a pretty sweet deal. Even more sweet deals await those who apply to become a volunteer!

Thanks for reading! I appreciate you.

A gif from Queer Eye of the boys running out of a room. Tan skips, Antoni blows kisses, Jonathan spins, and Karamo waves to the camera.

