10 Kinds of Self-Help Articles Guaranteed to Make You Feel Terrible About Yourself

Translated for transparency

Jessica Wildfire
The Haven



Sometimes it feels like they just want you to crawl back in bed. The gurus, they slap you with a judgmental title. They brag about their accomplishments. Then they tell you how easy life is.

These articles work for one simple reason:

There’s plenty of times when we think we’re unhappy. But we’re actually not. We’re just tired and stressed. We’re worked up about something. Someone’s giving us a hard time. We’re dealing with money problems that have nothing to do with our spending habits.

We’re vulnerable. That’s when we’re susceptible to judgmental advice. That’s when we buy that e-book, or sign up for that online course, thinking it’ll bring about the change we need.

Imagine if we had a translator, some way to read between the lines and figure out what those gurus were really telling us.

Here’s what they’d sound like:

5 Reasons Your Life is a Pointless Cliche

Just become a different person.

