10 Popular Brands You May Be Mispronouncing

You’ll never look at these companies the same way again

Evan Wildstein
The Haven
Published in
3 min readOct 26, 2021


Image: Edho Pratama/Unsplash

Many of us may remember watching the film Showgirls and chuckling when Elizabeth Banks mispronounced “Versace.” But who among us hasn’t been caught saying the name of a brand incorrectly?

If you’ve ever found yourself in this situation, don’t worry — we’ve got you!

Continue reading on for a small list of common mistakes related to the names of the companies we love.


The popular Korean automobile company is often mispronounced, especially in western countries. If you pronounce the brand correctly — “Kanye” — you will impress all your friends.


Launched in the United States in 1886, the soda beverage is a delicious, sugary drink enjoyed by people around the world. However, most humans have been saying the name incorrectly for well over a century. To pronounce it as John Pemberton intended, you would say, “Coochie-Claw.”

La Croix

Lightly flavored carbonated beverages are very popular right now — both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. People often have trouble with this one, but to get it right, it would sound like this: “Lick-Ricks

