10 Reasons Why Pizza is Better Than Sex

Tell Me I’m Wrong…

Clarissa G
The Haven


After intensive research, and I mean years of immersing myself quite literally in pizza and sex (sometimes both at the same time), I have come to the conclusion that pizza is a better bet. It will always satisfy your needs.

I’m counting down the reasons below, as I indulge in one, while planning to indulge in the other later this evening (feel free to guess which is which)

The Top 10 Reasons Why Pizza is Better than Sex

10) Pizza doesn’t have to be hot to be satisfying

9) You can share pizza with 3 other people without worrying who they shared their pizza with last night

8) You can watch TV and eat pizza at the same time without pissing off your partner

7) You don’t have to know the name of the person you’re getting the pizza from

6) No one calls you selfish if you finish your pizza first and fall asleep

5) You can have pizza multiple times a day without getting sore or dehydrated

4) Beer almost always enhances the pizza experience, instead of potentially causing it to fail

3) You can have pizza at work in the break room without getting fired

2) It’s OK to admit you have pizza by yourself more than you have pizza with other people

And the #1 reason Pizza is better than sex…

1) Pizza is guaranteed to come in under 30 minutes



Clarissa G
The Haven

Writer, reader, rambler. Addicted to things beginning with “C”. Coffee, cats, chocolate, cheese, and California