10 Ways To Know You Have Made The Mad Cat Human Elite

And how to maintain your acclaimed title.

The Haven
Published in
6 min readAug 2, 2020


Phú teaching Ozzy how to use the Catio. Photo Credit By Author.

I arrived at work today, just like any other ordinary day, on my bicycle. I stopped my activity tracker, paused my music, dismounted my trusty steed, yawned, stretched, and wheeled her to the stairs ready for my ascent. What happened next was most unexpected. The cheery security guard waved at me, as he does every day, but then instead of his usual greeting of ‘morning, morning, xin chào’ he did something rather unusual.

He meowed at me.

It took me a few seconds to register what had just happened, I mean it was 6:30 am, and I was still not fully awake, but as I stood there trying to process it, he did it again. He meowed. Once I had established correctly, that it was most definitely a meow I reciprocated accordingly.

If there were any doubts at all about the authenticity of my title, this meowing security guard promptly silenced the sceptics.

No such thing as too many cats! Photo Credits By Author.

So I bet you are wondering; how do you know if you have made it? What are the traits that characterise



The Haven

Adventures in Vietnam on YouTube @SaigonRevival. Art director, insight specialist, writer, vagabond.