12 Cool Things About Getting Old

The Haven
Published in
3 min readJul 15, 2022


I admit this piece is a stretch.

Cartoon by Lambert-King

I admit that for the most part, I’m not enjoying getting old. As I get older I recognize more and more limitations. Of course, recognizing limitations and making adjustments does make getting old easier.

By giving up other responsibilities, I have freed up more time to write. So, I gave myself the challenge of finding cool things about getting old. It was a deep dive. So here are some cool things about getting old.

1: You blow off meetings or events that you don’t want to attend and blame a failing memory.

Keep in mind key phrases such as, “Was that yesterday?” Or, “Was that last week?” You get the idea.

2: Enjoy your cataracts and hooded eyelids.

How is that possible? Well, I find I don’t need sunglasses. The excess skin and cataracts add like an organic sun shield. Hang on, my wife just came into the room. At least I think that’s her.

3: I get my steps in more subtle ways.

Frequent trips to the bathroom at night count. I also count my mind wandering as exercise.

4: There’s more time to spend with loved ones.



The Haven

You probably don't know my name, but have likely seen my work. I've written for numerous syndicated cartoon strips and my gags have appeared in national pubs.