12 Things You Didn’t Know About Kevin Costner

He’s cashed in on baseball movies and westerns.

The Haven


Creative Commons: US Department of State

When it comes to Kevin Costner, I have mixed emotions. He’s been big in westerns and baseball movies, which is a plus for me, but he also projects a certain aloofness which is a little off putting.

Also, while two of his baseball movies, “Bull Durham” and “Field of Dreams,” have been blockbusters, the other, “For Love of the Game,” was a disappointing chick flick. Turning a baseball movie into a chick flick is a serious cinema sin in my book.

Costner, however, does look like he could actually play the game, which is a plus. I really liked his swing in Bull Durham. So, with my editorial out of the way, here are some things you might not have known about Kevin Costner.

1: Earlier in his life Costner was a smoker but quit cold turkey when he no longer enjoyed it.

That would seem to indicate great willpower, but later in life Costner was somewhat of a serial womanizer. I guess some habits require more willpower to break than others.

2: Costner’s first movie was “Sizzle Beach,” aka Malibu Hot Summer.



The Haven

You probably don't know my name, but have likely seen my work. I've written for numerous syndicated cartoon strips and my gags have appeared in national pubs.