13 Things You Can’t Bring Into Heaven

And if you get caught, it’s a DAMN shame

Mark Armstrong
The Haven
Published in
4 min readFeb 22, 2023


Cartoon by illustrator Mark Armstrong. Guy arriving at Pearly Gates carrying a water bottle. St. Peter is writing in book, tells guy to get rid of the water bottle and recycle it before he can enter Heaven. Says if he just tosses bottle in trash, he’ll get sent to hell instead.
Cartoon: Mark Armstrong

I had one of my frequent out-of-body experiences recently. I get to visit cool places and it doesn’t cost me a dime.

I found myself in heaven and decided to take a look around because who knows if I’ll ever be back??



Mark Armstrong
The Haven

I’m a writer and illustrator. I write about marketing and communication. I also do humor pieces. I help brands get noticed.