17 Ways I’m Going to Keep Downton Abbey Alive in My Life

Brette Sember
The Haven
Published in
2 min readMar 10, 2016

1. Instruct my children to call their grandpa “Donk.”

2. Send all my mail folded up into tiny squares tucked into little envelopes.

3. Explain to my husband that married ladies have breakfast in bed every morning.

4. Change my clothes for dinner every night (pajamas count).

5. Insist that people refer to me as “M’lady” instead of “ma’am.”

6. Wear gloves to dinner (I think this could be a new diet solution).

7. Start referring to my children as my wards.

8. Drink cocktails on the lawn in a long dress (aka nightgown).

9. Ride only in the back of the car and only after someone opens the door for me.

10. Give my next dog an Egyptian name.

11. Expect the doctor to come to the house the next time I’m sick.

12. Sit helplessly at a vanity until someone appears to help me undress.

13. Act shocked when my husband does not wear white tie to dinner.

14. Refer to my neighbors as “the villagers.”

15. Buy claret (after I figure out what it is).

16. Tie my keys to my waistband so they clank when I walk.

17. Call my mother-in-law “the dowager.”

Brette Sember is the author of more than 40 books including Cookie: A Love Story. Her website is www.BretteSember.com.




Brette Sember
The Haven

Brette Sember is an author, editor, book coach, ghostwriter, content specialist, social media manager, indexer, and consultant. Her web site is BretteSember.com