25 Things Amerykaniecs Shouldn’t Say In Poland, Austria, Or Germany

Catherine Durkin Robinson
The Haven
Published in
2 min readNov 9, 2023


Because then they’ll know you’re an Amerykaniec.

photo by the author while folding and fluffing

1. “Sprechen sie Englisch?”

2. “This apartment has a washer but no dryer. Do all Eastern Europeans dry their skivvies on the sofa?”

3. “I haven’t seen a single police officer since we arrived. I guess street signs in German with exclamation points are enough.”

4. “How big is your plate of meats?”

5. “The stairwell in our building has no electricity or heat. I totally get what life was like during the Occupation.”

6. “I half-expected Poland to be in black and white with Wagner playing in the background.”

7. “The Pilsen neighborhood in Chicago has the same energy as Krakow and only costs me $2.50 on the bus to get there.”

8. “Who do we have to annex to get some mustard around here?”

9. “I need a calculator and complete silence to figure out how these numbers and letters make up a language.”

10. “Are you pissed or are you Polish?”

11. “Silly me, I thought two bathrooms meant two toilets. No wonder you all lost World War II.”

12. “Ask the house band if they know any songs by Kraftwerk. Or Mozart.”



Catherine Durkin Robinson
The Haven

I’m a writer and activist. In my spare time, I investigate missing socks. (1287 found since 1995)