3 More Thoughts

Tom Deisboeck
The Haven
Published in
3 min readJun 25, 2022

Thought 1: We live in a somewhat posh suburb; luck, I guess. Just walked our dog and passed a Land Rover idling with the engine on, 3 moms in discussion standing in the grass next to it, of course without a mask since it’s outdoor and how else would you show off your new lipstick? To be clear, I have no problem with moms strategizing before they go off to Yoga — it’s absolutely essential to cough up the latest ‘mind numbing’ gossip before you practice ‘mindfulness’, even if we men will never comprehend it. What I’m having trouble with is the displayed entitlement — — the “Go f*ck yourself because I’m price insensitive and no matter if (premium, what else?) gas goes to 7 bucks and from there on to Mars, I keep my AC running — eat shit, Hippie”. It’s the same crowd that gives their kids 20 bucks for girl scout cookies at a climate change drive so that they can break the donation record in their age group, get a community sticker as an attaboy (or -girl) to eventually get into a more competitive high school and from there into a brand-name college … so that they can finally screw everybody else better & faster in their entry level job and ultimately squeeze more water out of the crumbling stone we call Earth. There’s something weirdly consistent here. So, perhaps we should consider moving, or else, just shut up & get a Land Rover.

Thought 2: Speaking of — our realtor recently sent an ad for a rather expensive 3-bedroom condo in town with all amenities that listed dogs ‘to be welcomed up until 25 pounds’. Our chocolate lab weighs 90, so blows right through it by some 65 pounds — NO GO, even if I feed him less treats for a week (- which would make him hate me, a feat that’s difficult to accomplish with any Labrador retriever, so not worth it). Who comes up with that arbitrary weight limit? … can’t be out of concern for elevator wear & tear as the tech hauls much fatter humans up & down all day, neither can it be the fear of allergies as that would be binary, i.e. weight-independent — and any self-respecting middle schooler carries an epi-pen these days anyhow, (unless you go for ADHD to get more time at tests - issue of personal preference, I’m not judging). My guess, the reason for preferring Chihuahua, Maltese and other groomed rats is that their average dog rockets (= shite) are less than a quarter that of a real dog, so less to pick up in a biodegradable bag if little ‘Fluffy’ has an accident in the Wifi-ed common areas. Of course, since most on the condo board are hard of hearing by the time you can finally afford the square footage, they don’t care that little fidos bark more and at higher pitched tones to make up for their inevitably low shedding dick-envy. So, I’m asking you — do you really want to buy into a building where you’re destined to sit at the association meeting next to an oxygen-sucking octogenarian petting her little bow tie wearing princess? F*ck that shit too (aka Shih Tzu).

Thought 3: … and while we’re at defecation topics: We need a term limit for Supreme Court judges. I’d say 10 years is plenty to ‘enjoy’ Justice Thomas’ diabolic smirk while he, his sunny wife & Alito try to beam us back into stone age (which, oddly, looks a lot like Florida). Instead of lying at the confirmation hearings and then screwing around with precedents, the Trump ilk could sell out — officially — to right wing lobbying firms much earlier which would save us taxes, and the ink these increasingly erratic ‘opinions’ are written with. Thanks for coming.

© Tom Deisboeck, 2022. All Rights Reserved.



Tom Deisboeck
The Haven

I am a cartoonist, children’s book illustrator and occasional writer of satirical essays (that are meant to be therapeutic, mostly for me).