3 Ways To Dispute Your Losing Lottery Ticket
Make audacity pay dividends
Nobody likes to lose. Least of all me. And when you play lottery from time to time, you will quickly find you are going to lose. A LOT.
Now, since Medium is fast becoming a Self-Help blogging site and appears to reward good advice and solutions-focused thinking, I thought I would write a piece in the spirit of Coach’s latest craze of BETTER INTERNET.
The first thing you always have to do is face facts. And the fact is that when you play lottery, you lose. That’s number one.
Number two: In order to fit within Coach’s new framework of better internet, you need to turn this sad rotten fact of losing lottery tickets into a win. There is only one way to do this:
Take your losing lottery ticket to your nearest 7-ELEVEN and dispute the results.
Allow me now to disclose the three best ways to dispute the indisputable:
- Edit your original lottery card of filled in bubbles with white-out (nobody will notice) and re-fill with the winning numbers…