Chivalry Lives

33 Tricks Most Men Will Try if They Think it Will Increase Their Odds of Seeing You Naked

Just a Little Heads Up From the Male Libido

Freeman Scott
The Haven
Published in
2 min readDec 27, 2021


Photo by Paul Carmona on Unsplash

1. Casually mention they find strong, independent women sexy.

2. Offer to speak to the higher ups about adjusting the office thermostat.

3. Donate to your favorite charity.

4. Ask directions.

5. Follow those directions.

6. Not talk about their fantasy leagues.

7. Volunteer to play in your great aunt’s Scrabble tournament.

8. Explain unfamiliar concepts or processes as if you were an intelligent adult human being.

9. Make plans.

10. Follow through on those plans.

11. Not call you dude.

12. Allow you to finish at least half of your sentences.

13. Offer to water the plant in your cubicle while you’re away on vacation.

14. Take your concerns about their health to heart and sign up for a gym membership. At your gym.

15. Donate to your favorite charity in your mother’s name.

