37 Lesser-Known Marx Brothers

Jonathan Millhauser
The Haven
Published in
2 min readMar 4, 2022
Charcoal portrait of Groucho Marx with his signature cigar and bowtie
Photo by Flybynight on Pixabay

1. The hard-to-find brother, Waldo Marx

2. The deer-slaying brother, Bumppo Marx

3. The erotic poetry brother, Sappho Marx

4. The pink dinosaur brother, Birdo Marx

5. The hobbit-loving brother, Frodo Marx

6. The hobbit-protecting brother, Viggo Marxensen

7. The crooning brother, Bruno Marx

8. The dog food brother, Alpo Marx

9. The funky brother, Marky Marx

10. The dish-washing brother, Brillo Marx

11. The flared-jeans brother, Jnco Marx

12. The satisfied brother, Dildo Marx

13. The blockchain brother, Crypto Marx

14. The wild Australian brother, Dingo Marx

15. The street-fighting brother, Combo Marx

16. The adhesive brother, Velcro Marx

17. The short-tempered brother, Aggro Marx

18. The low-carb brother, Keto Marx

19. The blue sapphire brother, Virgo Marx

20. The waterproof brother, Poncho Marx

21. The real estate development brother, Condo Marx

22. The impulsive brother, Yolo Marx

23. The alcoholic brother, Blotto Marx

24. The shoplifting brother, Klepto Marx

25. The sweet-toothed brother, Froyo Marx

26. The slow brother, Largo Marx

27. The fast brother, Presto Marx

28. The western brother, Cabo Marx

29. The eastern brother, Soho Marx

30. The northern brother, Fargo Marx

31. The southern brother, Soco Marx

32. The academic achievement brother, High Marx

33. The interrogative brother, Question Marx

34. The progress-measuring brother, Bench Marx

35. The anti-counterfeit brother, Water Marx

36. The numismatist brother, Deutsch Marx

37. The brother who is a very good boy, Doggo Marx

