4 Benefits of Transferring Your $50 to My Account

Today you have a chance to prove that you don’t crave money

Adnan Aqeel
The Haven


Photo by Brittany Bendabout on Unsplash

You know it already.

Everybody knows that.

Money cannot buy happiness.

If you champion this idea, it’s better to throw away all your money to my face and start living on the roads.

Here are 4 benefits of transferring your $50 to my account and living a tension-free life.

1: I’ll start respecting you

I have a huge respect for those who give me money. They instantly make a valuable place in my heart. I even start considering them better than other people.

Why? Because I don’t find them greedy who are always on the hunt of making more money. You’re getting my respect, what else do you need in this cruel world?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

You deserve my respect, no?

2: You’ll get better sleep

No one can deny this fact.

No one can deny the feeling of sheer satisfaction and outright content you get when you help someone. And if you have never experienced that feeling before, today you have an opportunity.

Transfer your hard-earned money to my account and see the magic. You’ll get better sleep, which in turn leads to better health. This way you can pay more attention to the tasks that matter and you won’t feel snoozy doing your work in the office.

Those who are revisiting their mind and thinking if it’s okay to transfer their money to my account, know that, I’m better than those, at least, who snatch your money by giving you fake hope about making a million dollars. I’m being honest.

3: You can make a Medium post about it

If you run out of Medium post ideas, look no further. Since I have got you covered. Transfer your money to my account, take a screenshot of the receipt, and brag about it online.

Show how empathetic and helpful you are; you care for humanity, in fact; money is not everything to you.

Imagine. You’ll get a lot of claps and comments telling you how cool you’re in these times when everyone is running after money.

Earlier you got my respect, and now you’ll get respect from a lot of people. Just imagine how respectful you’ll become.

4: You can help me buy a Medium yearly plan

It costs $50 to buy a Medium yearly plan.

When I become a member of Medium for a full year, it will help me excel and grow and become extremely intellectual. Moreover, when Medium will get to know that you helped me buy a plan, they will start showing your posts to more viewers.

And if you are part of a Medium partnership program, you can recover this amount in less than a month.

Imagine giving me money will make you more money? This seems hypothetical, but it’s not. It works, it does, really.

I’m sure you have made up your mind to transfer your money to my account. If not, then I have another valid reason. I’ll tell you when you transfer $50 to my account!

Find me here on Linkedin for a daily dose of subtle laughter.



Adnan Aqeel
The Haven

certified procrastinator | writer | humorist | engineer | poet | blogger | it's safe to say that im not a monster