Money Making Tricks on Medium

4 Hacks to Making Your First $100/month on Medium, Even Crap Writers Can Use!

There’s hope for shitty writing!

The Haven
Published in
3 min readNov 25, 2020


Photo by Dmitry Demidko on Unsplash

Okay, I’ve been stalking a couple of accounts on Medium who claim to make over $100 a month on Medium. Meaning, they are in the top 6% of writers on Medium!

I’m happy for them, I really am. But I can’t get over how bad their writing is. Weak language. Poor grammar. Vague content. It’s what you would call shitty writing. I’m actually surprised at the number of publications who are OK with this level of writing.

Yet, they are making over $100 a month, and I believe them. Here are four tricks they have been using:

1. Write about Medium

Most of their stories are about making it on Medium: How to get 2000 followers in two months, how to make your first $100, how to write every day on Medium, and so on. These are all topics most writers would find interesting. They all should lead to more money on Medium.

But should you click on the stories and the content is rubbish, it’s vague. One story recommends writing quality content to gain more followers. Seriously?! Have you read your own work?



The Haven

I write about self-improvement, motivation, interesting news, and notes to my kids.