4 Tips to groom your hair (especially if you’re bald)

Uzair Haider
The Haven
Published in
3 min readFeb 24, 2023

Know from the expert who lost all his hair when he was 9.

Photo by TOMMY VAN KESSEL on Unsplash

Hairs are on our head, and that is not definitely the only information I have about hair. Hairs have roots that connect with our mind and hence we can think. That is why bald men are dumb I think. Or actually maybe they are smarter as they don’t get to think much. Anyhow, if you want to groom your hair and you are twenty something, then this clearly is the wro..right place for you.

  1. Stop using Shampoo:

Shampoo is killing your hair. It trickles down on your scalp leaching all the nutrition out and then wastes it into the gutters just like your past relationships. If you want smooth hair….less scalp, stop using shampoo all together. It will surely make hair fall stop as just water will clean the dandruff out (hopefully). I tried this technique and my friends started calling me Vin Diesel, who is a really cool guy and drives cars (says “family” way too much).

2. Stop taking baths:

If the above mentioned tip doesn’t stop the hair fall, don’t worry I have been there. Just stop taking baths. You’re skin is allergic to water as the reaction produces rebellious soldiers who are under lots of debt and their salary is laughable. The result is mayhem and the republic of your head will soon be cleaned off due to an eventual nuclear bomb blast. Remember, this tip might make you smell bad and reek so, be sure to use perfume and change your clothes at least once a month (I would go longer but again, I’m a pro).

3. Pull your hair:

If the hair keep on falling like the way Americans keep falling for Trump. Then it’s time to become Hiliary and pull those hairs out. The worst that will happen is they will actually come off. That way, you will know for once the actual count left on your head. If you’re lucky, your head might make the world’s best globe and left over hair will comprise of the continents. People form all over the world will travel to your home just to witness the creation of the most realistic 3D world map they have ever seen. This will be a good business opportunity as well. When I used this tip, I was unlucky as I got only Uganda surrounded by a clear ocean stretching far beyond north and south.

4. Ask your barber:

I do not recommend this very much as by the time people know about this, they have already tried the first 3 tips. Asking your barber is not a great option but its always there. Your barber will be able to trim your hair and suggest some good equipment (is that the right term?) to use on your hair. I strongly feel that the above three are way better but if you want to mess up your hair, go with this one.

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Uzair Haider
The Haven

Stand up comedian and a commentator of an ongoing match that is life. Freelance work: uzairihaider@gmail.com instagram: uzairiwrites