5 Comedy sketches under 2 minutes that pack a punch

hamza rahmoun
The Haven
Published in
4 min readFeb 1, 2023


Hey there, my hilarious friends! Welcome to today’s article where we’ll be taking a journey through some of funny comedy sketches that pack a punch in under two minutes each!

Comedy Sketches Under 2 minutes That Pack a Punch
Photo by Steve Harrris on Unsplash

Are you ready to laugh until your sides hurt? Good, because this is going to be a wild ride!

Whether you’re a fan of slapstick humor, witty one-liners, or absurd situations, there’s something for everyone in this collection of sketches.

And don’t worry, I won’t be breaking out any tired jokes or worn-out gags. These sketches are fresh, unique, and guaranteed to leave you in stitches.

So sit back, relax, and get ready for a good time!

And because humor is always better with a little wordplay, I’ll be throwing in a few puns and jokes along the way.

Let’s get started!

Sketch 1: The Awkward Elevator Ride

Two coworkers, Jack and Jill, step into an elevator and the doors close behind them. The tension is palpable as they stand facing each other in silence.

Jack: [nervously clears throat] So, uh, what do you have planned for the weekend?

Jill: [sighs and rolls her eyes] The same thing I do every weekend. Stare at the walls and wait for Monday to come back around.

Suddenly, the elevator jolts and they both stumble. Jack grabs onto the handrail to steady himself.

Jack: [laughs nervously] Whoa, this elevator is quite the ride!

Jill: [deadpan] You have no idea.

The elevator suddenly drops several floors, causing Jack to let out a yelp of surprise. Jill remains unruffled, texting on her phone as if nothing is happening.

Jack: [eyes wide with panic] We’re gonna crash! What do we do?!

Jill: [without looking up from her phone] I’ve been on this elevator before. Just relax and enjoy the ride.

The elevator comes to a sudden stop and the doors open. Jack stumbles out, white-faced and shaking. Jill follows him, still texting.

Jill: [smiling] Have a great weekend, Jack!

Sketch 2: The Impatient Customer

A customer, Amy, is in line at a coffee shop, tapping her foot impatiently and checking her watch every few seconds.

Amy: [to herself] Come on, come on, I don’t have all day!

The barista, Dave, greets her with a friendly smile.

Dave: Good morning! What can I get for you today?

Amy: [sighs dramatically] Just a plain black coffee, to go.

Dave: [smiling] Coming right up!

Dave turns to make the coffee, but Amy continues to fidget and check her watch.

Amy: [muttering under her breath] This is taking forever…

Dave: [turns back to her with the coffee in hand] Here you go, one plain black coffee. That’ll be $3.50.

Amy: [exasperated] What?! $3.50 for just a coffee?! That’s outrageous!

Dave: [still smiling] Actually, it’s a medium coffee.

Amy: [stares at him blankly for a moment before realizing her mistake] Oh. Sorry.

She hands him a crumpled bill and Dave hands her the change with a grin.

Dave: Have a great day!

Sketch 3: The Office Prank

Two coworkers, Mark and Sarah, are sitting at their desks when Mark suddenly jumps up and runs out of the room, shouting.

Mark: Fire! Fire!

Sarah looks up from her computer, confused and a little panicked.

Sarah: What?! Where?!

Mark pops back into the room, laughing and holding a whoopee cushion.

Mark: Just kidding! Gotcha!

Sarah: [rolling her eyes and smiling] You’re so childish, Mark.

Mark: [grinning] Yeah, but it’s all in good fun!

Sarah shakes her head and goes back to work, but Mark can’t seem to stop giggling. Suddenly, her chair collapses beneath her with a thud. Sarah jumps up, looking shocked and a little hurt.

Sarah: What the heck, Mark?!

Mark: [laughing] That one was actually an accident! I swear!

Sarah: [sarcastically] Sure it was.

Sketch 4: The Job Interview

A job candidate, Tom, is sitting in an interview room with a stern-faced interviewer, Mrs. Smith.

Mrs. Smith: [looking over his resume] So, Tom, you say here that you have experience in sales. Can you give me an example of a successful sales pitch you’ve made in the past?

Tom: [thinks for a moment] Well, there was this one time when I was selling vacuum cleaners door-to-door.

Mrs. Smith: [unimpressed] And?

Tom: [grinning] And I sold one to a guy who lived on the top floor of a high-rise building without an elevator.

Mrs. Smith: [raises an eyebrow] How did you manage that?

Tom: [shrugs] I convinced him that it was great exercise.

Mrs. Smith: [stares at him for a moment before breaking into laughter] Okay, I have to admit, that’s pretty clever.

Tom: [smiling] Thanks! I try.

Sketch 5: The Delivery Guy

A delivery guy, Mike, arrives at a customer’s door with a package in hand. The customer, Susan, answers the door with a look of irritation on her face.

Susan: [sighs] Finally. What took you so long?

Mike: [smiling apologetically] Sorry about that. Traffic was a bear today.

Susan: [rolls her eyes] Just give me the package and go.

Mike: [holds out the package] Here you go.

Susan: [takes the package and starts to close the door] Thanks.

Mike: [sticks his foot in the door] Wait! There’s one more thing.

Susan: [sighs] What now?

Mike: [pulls out a bouquet of flowers and a card] These are for you! Happy belated birthday!

Susan: [stares at him, speechless, before breaking into a smile] Thank you! That’s so sweet of you.

Mike: [grinning] No problem. Just spreading a little joy in the world, one delivery at a time.

So there you have it, folks! Five comedy sketches that pack a punch in under two minutes each.

I hope these stories have brought a smile to your face and a little laughter to your day.

Don’t forget, laughter truly is the best medicine!

Elite Market Whisperer out!! 🖐️🎤



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hamza rahmoun
The Haven

Get ready to laugh and learn! I'm a writer tackling a wide range of topics with my unique and creative flair. Follow me for a good chuckle and a great read