A Car Crash & An Emu.

Billy Maguire
The Haven
Published in
3 min readAug 5, 2022

There is a lot going on in the world right now.

Climate change, Monkey pox (the chickens are livid), Nancy Pelosi visiting Taiwan, Polio is back, Kentucky is flooded, California is on fire. Every second animal on earth seems to be endangered. Great Britain has had a political meltdown over the last few years that makes Washington look like a model of democracy. Corona virus isn't finished. There is a war in Ukraine. The world is awash with inequity and inequality (well only where the people are) and most peoples retirements plans involve wining the lottery.

It’s a lot to take in and you’d be forgiven for not paying attention to the news when it is all so bleak.

So perhaps’s you missed this story from the U.K. last week.

Headline of newpaper reading “Man Crashes into Shop, Runs Off is Attacked by Emu”
Somebody went to journalism school and ended up writing this. (Source: Bristolpost.co.uk)

The headline appeared on the Bristolpost.co.uk website. The article tell’s the tale of a man who drove his pickup through a shop window at almost ninety degrees to the road.

Two fire men look at a badly damaged pick up truck after it has smashed though a shop window. . The caption reads Most days this would be the end of the story. Not today. (Image: Wiltshire Police)
Normally this would be the end of the story. But not today. (Image: Wiltshire Police)

Police haven't released the driver's name or why they believe he crashed into the storefront, in the small town of Malmsbury, Wiltshire, United Kingdom. But they have released what happened next.

When approached by onlookers the driver and passenger ran away. Always the sign of an innocent mistake and in the words of one police officer (Who i made up for this quote). “Totally a legit thing to do and not at all sus in any way”

Desperate to be a good Samaritan, either by helping the injured or apprehending a criminal, whichever came first. A concerning onlooker gave chase for fifteen minutes. Fifteen!

The driver was chased across fields, forests and private gardens. Before he jumped over one last fence in a desperate attempt to flee. The desperate attempt turned into a desperate situation when the assailant discovered he had jumped between an emu and its young.

An Emu looking directly at the camera, the caption read “Murder on the mind“ (Image : Pixabay)
Murder on the mind (Image : Pixabay)

What can only be described as a mating dance followed, until police arrived and gave the driver a choice. Fight the murder chicken or face arrest.

Wisely he chose arrest.

Police inquires are ongoing.

This story also appeared on the Wiltshire live website, a sister publication to the Bristol Post. Under the headline …

Why are we talking about Nancy Pelosi?

